BreadCrumb® ES1


BreadCrumb® ES1 is a mid-level BreadCrumb solution that comes in a low-cost package ideal for operation even in the most severe environments that can utilize a less ruggedized solution, including deployment in extreme temperatures and on equipment with high shock and vibration

The ES1 contains two transceivers and up to four external antenna ports and can be deployed in a variety of wired and wireless systems such as LTE, satellite, and Wi-Fi.

  • The BreadCrumb ES1 is a commercial-grade version of Rajant’s ME4 BreadCrumb that provides Ethernet and Wi-Fi access point interfaces to enable data, voice, and video applications without the need for squid cables and with multiple mounting options..

These features make the ES1 ideal for IIoT applications and deployment on light-duty vehicles, delivering reliability, performance, scalability, and security to support virtually any application





BreadCrumb® ME Series

BreadCrumb® ME Series is a mid-level BreadCrumb solution and is an ideal alternative for adding wireless infrastructure and mobile nodes into your existing network. This system can be deployed in a variety of wired and wireless platforms such as LTE, satellite, and Wi-Fi.

The ME4 offers two transceivers and up to four external antenna ports, all in a lightweight and portable form factor.

Supports multiple radio configurations—900 MHz, 2.4 GHz, 4.9 GHz, 5 GHz and more.

  • Supports several strong cryptographic options used for data and MAC-address encryption and per-hop, per-packet authentication.
  • Includes integrated Wi-Fi Access Point service for compatibility with millions of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) client devices.
  • Offers two antenna-port configurations with 2×2 MIMO (multiple-input, multiple-output).
  • Provides reliable and fast off-loading to Ethernet via multiple, simultaneous bridge-mode links through Automatic Protocol Tunneling (APT) feature.

Rugged but lightweight, environmentally sealed – IP67 rated

BreadCrumb® LX5

BreadCrumb® LX5 is a premier BreadCrumb solution and is recommended for building and expanding your core mesh infrastructure. With the most transceivers and antenna ports, this system is engineered to form a rock-solid foundation that allows your mesh network to provide continuous communications between people and assets.

The LX5 contains up to four transceivers and six antenna ports, and provides Ethernet and Wi-Fi Access Point interfaces to enable data, voice, and video applications.

  • Includes multiple antenna-port configurations with 2×2 MIMO (multiple-input, multiple-output) to substantially increase the capacity of transceivers.
  • Includes integrated Wi-Fi Access Point service for compatibility with millions of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) client devices.
  • Rugged and environmentally sealed – IP67 rated.
  • Supports several strong cryptographic options used for data and MAC-address encryption and per-hop, per-packet authentication.

Offers reliable and fast off-loading to Ethernet via multiple, simultaneous bridge-mode links through the Automatic Protocol Tunneling (APT) feature

BreadCrumb® JR3

BreadCrumb® JR3 is a wireless communications device that provides reliable edge connectivity and extends network reach and mobility. This portable mesh

network node contains one transceiver and one external antenna port, and the 2.4-5 GHz dual-band transceiver allows the user to set the radio frequency. The JR3 provides Ethernet and Wi-Fi Access Point interfaces to enable data, voice, and video applications. The system is weather-resistant and can be operated outdoors year-round.

The JR3 is fully compatible with the other BreadCrumbs® in the Rajant product portfolio. As a result, it can be combined with Rajant’s LX5 and ME4 models to form a complete meshing solution 

For more information on Rajant Kinetic Mesh Networks and how they can benefit your company contact SITECH South at 404-505-8181 or email us at